Around the home...
All Our Services
Building & Extensions
Home Improvements
In the garden...

R J Hall Property Maintenance and R J Hall Landscaping Services offer services to refresh, repair, modify or even build your dream home across the North of England.
Do you have something that needs seeing to and you think is too small to call someone in?
Do you have a new project, home modification, improvement or extension that needs doing?
Worry no more...
We are dedicated trades people who not only understand your personal requirement, but also understand your needs. We have been trained to work with you ensuring your inconvenience is minimised, and you are kept fully briefed on all stages of the job, not forgetting that you want and deserve the right quality of work at the right price!
Because we care about
you and your home..
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Your first project*
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*Full terms and conditions available upon request
For You & Your Garden
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